Supertramp - Crime Of The Century - [Vinyl]
Crime Of The Century was the first of the many peaks in Supertramp's illustrious career; an album that had everything to prove and tunes that effortlessly straddled the world of pure pop and progressive rock. With the unmistakable blend of the two songwriters - Davies and Hodgson�s - work, it married the sweetness of Hodgson�s �Dreamer� -- the band's first big hit single -- with the grit of Davies� similarly beloved �Bloody Well Right.�This 40th anniversary celebration features the r-emastered original album, mastered and cut by Ray Staff at Air Studios. It showcases the band at the zenith of their powers, playing of all of Crime of The Century and introducing numbers from their forthcoming album, Crisis . . . What Crisis?
Supertramp - Crime Of The Century - [Vinyl]